Analysis of Perception Difference between Domestic and Internaitonal Engineering Firms -Focusing on the Competitiveness of International PMC Market-
Trend Analysis of Apartments Demand based on Big Data
Preliminary Scheduling Based on Historical and Experience Data for Airport Project
A Study on the Manual for Emergency Medical Facility Constructing at Disaster Site
Analysis Methodology for Feasibility Study of Remodeling of Age d Apartment by Comparative Analysis of Price Influencing Factors
A Preliminary Study on Mobile Medical Unit for Emergency Medicla System
Risk Assessment Model for the Delay Protocol in the Conditions of Contract of International Construction Projects
Applying Novelty Detection for Checking the Integrity of BIM Entity to IFC Class Associations
Improvement of Calculating Method of the Officially Assessed Individual House Price of Aged Apartment Remodeling Reflecting Feasibility Analysis
Decision Model of Construction Errors Management Based on Modular Method Construction Process