Empirical Study for the Appraisal System of Execution Capacity using Correlation Analysis
A Framework on 3D Object-Based Construction Information Management System for Work Productivity Analysis for Reinforced Concrete Work
Financial Analysis of Risk Reallocation in PPP Projects - Focusing on the Transactions between Private Investors in Koera -
The Economic Comparision through LCC Analysis on each Graded Alternatives for Green Remodeling of Public Budiling
Alternative Evaluation Model for Tower Crane Operation Plan inM odular Construction - Focusing on Modular Unit Installation and Finishing works -
A Research for Clustering of Conflict in Public Construction Porject
Key Competency Factors of Professional Engineer in Environment- friendly Construction Industry
Performance Evaluation Model for Public-Private Partnership Projects - with Reference to BTO (Build-Transfer-Operate) Road Projects-
Study on Management Plan of the Financial Supervisory Service According to Increase of Risk of Household Debts
Overseas Construction Order Forecasting Using Time Series Model