A Study on the Construction Equipment Management System for Strengthening Global Competitiveness
Development of Major Functions of Visualization System for Construction Schedule Data in Plant Project
Disposal Process Improvement of Construction Waste through Identifying Factors Obstructing Reduction and Recycle of Construction Wastes
Development of Historical Data Selection Model Using Non-parametric test in Public Sector - focused on Reinforced Concrete Works of Multi-housing Projects -
A Benchmarking Study on CM Fee Estimation
An Assessment of Technological Competitiveness in Core Products of Foreign Design & Construction markets
Improvement Factors for Reinforced Concrete Firm against Removing the restriction of Construction Market Activation
A Study on a Pattern Analysis of Quality Differentiation on Apartment Housing
A Study on the Risk Assessment Methodology and Application for International Plants Construction
Evaluation of Best Value for Safety Facilities on Highway Using Risk-based VE Approach - A Case Study of Median Barrier -