[Contents] Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol.11 No.2 MARCH 2010
Feasibility Analysis of Introducing CM at Risk Delivery Method to the Korean Public Construction Industry by Analyzing Attributes of the Projects
Effective Areas for DAT Utilization in Construction Projects
Analysis of the Schedule Risk using PROMETHEE in Building Construction Management
A Study on the Risk Examination of the Unit Price of Public Housing Construction Projects
Economic Evaluation of Eco-friendly Demolition Work and Case study in Remodeling Project
A Study on a Method for Composing a Portfolio for REITs Investment Using Markowitz's Portfolio Model
A Study on the Application of Zero Rate of V.A.T. to National Housing Supply and Construction Service
Decision Making Process for Alternative Selection of Proper Design Change in Construction Project
An Improvement Plan and Analysis on Employment Realities of Foreign Construction Workers under the Employment Permit System