Analysis of Factors of Participation in Social Enterprises to Revitalize the Operation of Urban Regeneration Profit-Type Community Facilities
A Study on Changes and Projection of Residential Conditions by Time Series due to Changing of Population Structure
Identifying the Concept Ideas Proposed by the Architectural and Urban Design Competitions on the Post-COVID-19 Topics in South Korea
An Empirical Analysis of the Residential Satisfaction among Public Housing for the Elderly with Seniors Welfare Center
Derivation of a Priority Space to be Apply Universal Design for Public Rental Housing
A Study on the Appropriate Spatial Composition and Area Plan of a Modular Screening Clinic to Respond to Infectious Diseases
A Study on Aged Apartment Remodeling Design Process
A Study of the Planning Guidelines to Ensure the Safety of Geriatric Long-term Care Hospitals
A Study on the Concept of ‘Expendability’ in the Works of Archigram
Extraction and Analysis for Weight Based Core Alternative Evaluation Factors of Design VE Quality Model in the Educational Facility