Process Model for Applying CM to BTL Project of School Facilities
A Study on the Architectural Planning Methods of Apartment Complex in Recent - Focused on Public Development of 32 Districts and Construction Areas after 2003
Visual Access and Exposure Model for the Agent-based Visual Analysis - Suggestion and Examination of a New Index
The Transformation of Urban Architecture and Architectural Design Offices after 2000 in Korea
A Study on the Improvement of Evaluation System in Apartment Design Competition - Focusing on the Cases at KNHC
A Study on Analysing Spatial Configuration of Design Seoul Street for the City Marketing
A Study on Design Factor of Outdoor Space for Elderly Housing base on Therapeutic Environment
A Study on Changes of Spatial Configuration in Seoul Urban Hanok by Adopting LDK Type of Internal Structure
A Study on Applications of Topology to Architectural Design
Study on Architectural Restoration Theories and Works through 'Simultaneite'