The Journal of the Korean Institute of Interior Design
공간과 공간경험의 관계에 대한 연구
대도시적 인테리어 디자인
Occupants' Preferences for Housing Unit Plan by Using Computer Media and Conjoint Analysis
노인주거복지시설의 색채와 조명에 관한 연구 : 한국과 미국의 사례분석을 중심으로
A Study on house Interior Space in Consideration of Disabled Person in Diminutive Symptoms : In the case of a Small Scale house space
Relationship between Housing Environment and Elementary School Children's Personality
A Study on Formation Plans of the Lady's Casual shop in Department store by Applying VMD
A Study on the Characteristics of the Connecting Space between Subway & Shopping Area : Focused on the Subway Station in Seoul
A Comparative Study on the Color Design Element in Traditional Palaces of Korea, China and Japan
A Study on the Evaluation Method and Process of Lighting Design in Building