A Study on the Expressionistic Characteristics in Modern Church Architecture
A Study on the Correlations of Frame Structural Elements in Traditional Dwelling Architecture : Focused on the Main Building of Middle-High Classes' Housing in Chonnam Region
A Study on the Reflection of Public opinions in the Process of District Units Plan Making : Focused on the Citizen Participation and Consultation of Specialist
반사거울형 태양광 채광시스템의 개발에 관한 연구
A Study on the Soundscape Design for the Creation of Sound Amenity in Urban Space : A Consciousness of Residents on the Sound Environment and Amenity of Residential Environment
구조부위별 차음시공에 따른 공동주택의 바닥충격음 차단성능평가
Acoustic Environment In Residential Area Adjacent To Outdoor Subway Railway
Effects of Temperature, humidity and flow rates of Incoming Outdoor Air on Indoor Environment Air Conditioned by Hybrid System Utilizing Natural Ventilation
A study on the efficiency and accuracy of form factor computation mechanism in interior lighting calculations
A Study on the Development of the Evaluation Model and Computerizing Program of Apartment Building Considering Environmental Loads and Costs