[표지] 한국도시설계학회지<도시설계> 2012년 08월호
[목차] 한국도시설계학회지<도시설계> 2012년 08월호
Weighting Determination of Hierarchical Constituent Elements of Cheong-ju Street Space by the Expert Questionnaire - Focused on the Question Research of Experts
A Relationship Analysis between Subway Transit Demand and Urban Spatial Characteristics in the Subway Station Area
An Policy Implication on Lower-income Residential Areas Regeneration through the Analysis on the Non-Profit Housing Activities of Habitat Korea
Urban Planning Factors for Socially Underprivileged Groups - Focused on the Urban Planning Code in the National Land Planning and Use Act
The Time-variant Effects of Traditional retail Market Renewal in small and mid-sized cities on the Merchants? Perspective. - The Case of Yeongchun Public retail Market in Yeongchun
Case Study on Urban Development Connected with Industry and Cutting Edge Technology - Focused on Similarities of Urban Development based on IT Convergence Industry
Magok Waterfront Masterplan and Strategy according to the Changes in Its Urban Environments
한국도시설계학회지 논문투고 및 심사규정