[표지] 한국도시설계학회지<도시설계> 2014년 02월호
Characteristics of Outdoor Space and Community Activities of Apartment Housing Complex - A Case Study on the Small Scale Apartment Housings in Japan
Patterns of Housing Choice of Korean Elderly Households - Focused on the Residential Mobility and Elderly Housing
문화재보호구역내 공공기관과 지역주민과의 이해갈등 해소를 위한 협상론의 도입방안 연구
Critical Factors for Sales of Department Stores - Focused on Comparison of Influence on Sales Between Location and Non-Location Factors
Understanding Regulatory Impacts on the Street Environments of Residential Zone, through a Typo-morphological Approach - With Case Study on the Bangi-dong Area Formed by Land Readjustment Project
The Coordinated Public Art Strategies Related to Urban Regeneration and Development : Case Studies of Beyond Leidsche Rijn, Munster Sculpture Project and Chicago Millennium Park Public Art
Effects and Limitations of the International Idea Competition for Saemangeum Comprehensive Urban Development Concept as a New Approach of Urban Design Competition
Analysis of the Impact of Culture Promotion Activities on Social Capital Formation and Market Competitiveness of the Traditional Market - A Comparative View of Routine Merchant Activities
Policy Suggestions on Neighborhood-making Project based on Aged Society - Focused on Questionnaire Survey Result of Neighborhood-making Activists