[표지] 한국도시설계학회지<도시설계> 2011년 10월호
[목차] 한국도시설계학회지<도시설계> 2011년 10월호
Effectiveness in Citizen’s Empowerment of Urban Planning Academy Program - Focused on Green Gyeonggi 21 Urban Planning Academy Program
Effects of Multi-Level Replotting on Inner-city Urban Development Project
Planning Elements for Exterior Spaces in a Mixed-use Complex - With special emphasis on the Expert surveys and Interviews
Difference of residents and visitors of Hanok area in recognizing the region and its territoriality - A case study on Bukchon Hanok area, Seoul
The Effects of the Physical Environmental Characteristics of City on the Fear of Crime
The Place Attachment to Temporary Residential Places - Focused on the University Students with Independent Lifestyles
The comparative analysis on the Characteristic for elements of Green Campus
The Traits of Urbanization in Modern Yeosu during compulsory occupation of Japan