Analysis of Developed Area Expansion and Fragmentation Changes - Focused on the Gangwon Region
Physical Factors Affecting Recognition of Landscape Change in Sequential Streetscape - Focused on the Main Street of Insa-dong, Seoul
Planning Factor of Revitalizing Deteriorated Industrial Complex
The Effect of Physical Factors of Developing the Waterfront on the Neighboring Regions with Special Emphasis on Eco Delta City Project
Public Spheres and Its Spatial Reflection on Three Plazas in Seoul, Korea
Reading the Busan Hillside Residential Landscape as the Korean War Refugee's Settlement
Mixed Use Residential Building's Functional Analysis According to the Four Elements of PUD - Focused on the Mixed Use Residential Building's Comparison of the First Phase New Town and the Second Phase New Town
한국도시설계학회지 논문투고 및 심사규정
한국도시설계학회 윤리규정
한국도시설계학회지 논문작성 지침