A Study on the Characteristics of Participants in the Community Building Projects(Focused on Participatory Planning Methods)
The Impacts of Subway Spatial Characteristics on Subway Area Performances and Arts Activities
A Study of Accessibility Walking and Cycling Improvements through Street Refurbishment Near Transit Centers - GIS Accessibility Analysis of a Transit Center Site at the East Daegu Station in Daegu
Study on the Introduction and Planning of Urban Agriculture within Multiple Housing Complex - Focused on the Drawing Planning Index and Ways to its Application
Strategy for Regenerating Local Cities through the Sustainable Use of Historic Cultural Resources - The Case of Taean-eup
A Study of Urban Street Shopping Mall Street Plan Characteristics - A Comparison of Street Shopping Malls in the USA, Japan, South Korea
A Study of Urban Greenbelt Prototypes and Spatial Characteristics of First Generation Metropolitan New Towns - Focused on Il-san, Pyeong-chon and San-bon Metropolitan New Towns
Analysis of Vestiges of Choryang Waegwan in its Urban Context - A Future-oriented Perspective on Restoration
Empirical Analysis of the Street Livability of Boulevards According to Changes to Green Buffers in Seoul
An Analysis of the Relationships between Pedestrian Traffic Density and the Physical Environmental Factors of Commercial Streets