[목차] 한국도시설계학회지<도시설계> 2011년 02월호
Analysis of Resident Consciousness regarding the Effectiveness of the Wall Removal Project for Prevention of Crime
A Study on the Changes of Landscape Elements in Hahoe Village - Focused on the 5 Landscape Elements
The Effects of Physical Environmental Determinants on Place Identity in Commercial Streets - Focused on Commercial Streets in Myung-dong, Seoul
The Effects of Compact City Planning Strategies on Commuting Distance of Different Income Levels: focused on Seoul, Korea
An Analysis of Visual Preference and Complexity Measurement using Entropy - A Case of Apartment Complex alongside the Han River
Place Identity of Space above Ground in Mixed-use Complexes - The case of Mixed-use Complex Planning for Urban Regeneration in Tokyo, Japan
Regional Regeneration Methodology through the Reuse of Industrial Heritage Related to Railroad Transport
An Analysis of Characteristics for Busan as Film Location City - with focus on Film Location Places
Utilization of Streetlight to apply Ubiquitous Technologies for the U-City Infrastructure - A case of IP Intelight at Sangam Digital Media City in Seoul