[Cover] Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea vol.24 no.3
[Contents] Journal of the Urban Design Institute of Korea vol.24 no.3
Viewpoint + Masterplan
Determinants of Satisfaction on Urban Regeneration New Deal Projects - Focused on Residents and Staffs in Charge of Urban Regeneration Areas
The Application of Post-Utilization Plan of the Olympic Legacy - Focused on Host Cities and Athletic Facilities for the Pyeongchang 2018 Olympic Winter Games
Enhancing the Feasibility of District Unit Plans by Utilizing Floor Area Ratio Incentives in Building Agreements - Focusing on Seoul’s General Residential Areas with Permitted Floor Area Ratios Equal to the Standard Floor Area Ratios
Analysis Of Differences According To Explanatory Factors And Demographic Characteristics Of De Facto Population
A Study on the Accessibility and Edge Effect in Life-SOC(Social Overhead Capital) Allocation - A Case Study of 『Seoul Plan 2030』 Living-Area(Neighborhood) Planning
한국도시설계학회지 투고 안내 / Submission Guidelines / 한국도시설계학회지 논문투고 및 심사규정 / 한국도시설계학회 윤리규정 / 한국도시설계학회지 논문작성 지침 / (사)한국도시설계학회 임원