[표지] 한국도시설계학회지<도시설계> 2013년 02월호
A Study On The Urban Design Method Based On TOD(Transit Oriented Development) Strategy For Sustainable Urban Regeneration In Case Of City Of Portland, U.S.A.
Characteristics of Spatial Units of a City for Sustainable Development in Climate Change Era - A Case Study of the UK Eco Town
Evaluating Public Sculptures in Daegu City
Changes and Polarization of Social Classes in New and Old City after New Town Developments in Seong-Nam City
A Urban Design on the Small-scale Urban Renewal Project of Old Downtown Areas, Seoul - Focused on Gong-Pyung Redevelopment District in Insa-Dong
Parket Concept for the Revitalization of Traditional Periodical Market - Case study on Yuseong Market Urban Renewal Promotion District in Daejeon
A Study on Sustainable Urban Landscape Design - Focused on the American Society of Landscape Architects Sustainable Landscape Designs
Uses and Functions of Squares in a Downtown based on the Concept of Behavior Setting - Focused on the Gwanghwamun Square, Seoul Square and Cheonggye Square
A Direction of the Development for KTX Railway Stations through a Comparative Analysis of Urban Architectural Aspects of Domestic and International High-speed Railway Stations