[표지] 한국도시설계학회지<도시설계> 2013년 10월호
Housing Consumption and Residential Location Change in Later Life - Focused on the Metropolitan Area
A Study on the Operation System and the Design Features of Public Facilities Design Certification
The Characteristics of the Urban Design Guideline of Plan Local d'Urbanisme and the Urban Regeneration Operations in France - Focused on Local Military Installations Relocation of the ZAC de Bonne
Comprehensive Urban Regeneration Design Strategy of Abandoned Railroad Area through Citizen-Participation - Focused on the Case of Gwangyang Si Abandoned Railroad Park
A Study on Revitalization of Local Communities Through Collaboration with University - Focusing on Case Studies of Collaboration Planning Program between Local Universities and Communities in Japan
A Study on the Development Direction of Korean Standard Certification through Analyzing Green Building and City Standard Certification Trend
A Study on the Value Evaluation for the Preservation of Commercial Facilities in the Tradition Commercial Area of Seoul Downtown - Focused on 4 Major Market in the City Ccenter Tradition Commercial Area
The Development of Happiness Index Considering Regional Characteristics in Rural Area - Focus on the Hwadong County in Kyeongnam Province
Transition of Building Uses in the Culture-based Vitalization of Commercial Streets - A Case Study of Garosu-gil, Seoul