[표지] 한국도시설계학회지<도시설계> 2012년 12월호
Urban Revitalization Strategy in Post-Industrial Era - Case Study of Urban Redevelopment with Landmark Architectures
The Improvement Method of the System to Facilitate the Development of Railway Station Areas
Assessment Indicator for Environment-Friendly Urban Design
Factors Affecting the Evaluation of the Resident-participatory Community Design - Focused on the Residents' Perception about 'the Pilot Project of Human Town in Seoul'
A Study on the Revitalization of the Lot-based Housing Renewal through Building Act
Urban Regeneration Strategy and Guidelines for the Railway Sphere of Kyungin Line - In the case of Do-Won Station (Green Walkable TOD)
Application of the Planning Factors on Urban Waterfront for Composition of the Landscape Characteristics - With Special Emphasis on the Urban Waterfront Development of the Domestic and Overseas Cases
A Study on the Characteristics of Zoning Designation and Guidelines of Special Planning District in District Unit Plan - Focused on the Cases of Seoul since 2000
Analyses of NPO's Activities and Issues for the Preservation and Reuse of Historic Buildings - Focused on the Case of Historic Boston Incorporated in USA