Development of Evaluation Criteria for Investigation and Utilization of Modern Architectural Assets in Gyeonggi and Incheon - Focusing on Modern Architectural Assets Near Railroads
Park and Green Space Planning of Gyeongseong: Significance and Limitations
Effectiveness of Urban Planning ; Comparative Analysis between Public Transit Use Patterns and Non-Residential Zoning in Seoul
How the Neighborhood Environment Characteristics Affect the Urban Heat Island Effect in Seoul, Korea
Social and Spatial Characteristics of the Recent ~ridangil Trend, Commercial Streets with Similar Name - Focused on Analyzing Internet Trend Data and Locational Properties
A Study on Improvement of Smart City Policy through Survey on Ubiquitous City Residents
Analysis of Spatial Distribution and Influential Factors of Perceived Multi-Cultural Acceptability in Seoul, Korea
The Effects of the 2nd Design Seoul Street Projects by Spatial Hierarchy
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