The Journal of the Korean Institute of Interior Design
An Usability Evaluation of Flexible Modular Furniture for Single-person Households
Plan for Improving Space through Diagnostic Assessment of the 119 Safety Centers in the Northern Gyeonggi Province
The Types and Characteristics of Chinese Culture and Art Space Design by Loft Renovation
A Study on the Psychology Child Developmental Based Color Environmental - Focused on Case Study of Children's Library After 2017 -
A Study on the Analysis of New Housing Space Element According to Future Environment
A Study on the Color Preference for Interior Parts of Bedrooms in Geriatric Hospitals - Focused on the Preference Comparison of the Hospitalized aged, Non-hospitalized aged, and Nurses -
Enhancing the QoE of Guided Heritage Tour by Route Scheduling Optimization
Analysis of Previous Research Trends about Participatory Design in Public Design & Architecture - Focused on the Research papers of the Korea -
Study on Change to Sensitivity Index Shown at Differences of Spatial Image Media
A Study on the Types and Development Direction of Children's Study Furniture Considering the Development according to Age