Exploring Design Principles and Contextual Transformations for Urban Design of GTX Station Areas - Focused on Urban Design Schemes for GTX Station Areas of Urban Mobility Studio
The Master Plan Modification of Sejong Government Complex - Focused on an Extension of Sejong Government Complex
1st Prize on International Urban & Architectural Design Competition for the 3rd Generation New Towns in Korea; Daejang District in Bucheon-si
Incheon International Airport 1st International Business Complex Public Golf Course Master Plan - Focused on Golf Course Design in Urban Idle Site
한국도시설계학회지 투고 안내 / Submission Guidelines / 한국도시설계학회지 논문투고 및 심사규정 / 한국도시설계학회 윤리규정 / 한국도시설계학회지 논문작성 지침 / (사)한국도시설계학회 임원