Upgrading the Santa Marta Favela in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: - Focusing on the Roles of Various Sectors in Slum Upgrading
Moderation Effects of Community Physical Environment Factors on Walking Activity: With Case Study of Seoul, Korea
Standards for Sustainable High-Density Housing Developments - A Comparative Study of the LEED Rating Systems and Battery Park City Development Guidelines
Influence of Residents' Attachment to the Community on Participation in Community-Building Activities - Focusing on Hannam 1 dong
Characteristics of Community Building as Compared to Implementation Object and Means of Urban Planning - Focusing on Relative Importance and Level of Property Right Restriction of Physical Project
A Pivotal Line and Its Meaning in the Planning of Ancient Chinese Capitals - From Shang-Zhou Period to Han Changan-cheng, via 『Zhouli?Kaogongji』
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