Comparison of Electromagnetic Analysis in Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines According to Inductance Derivation Methods
Study on the Analysis and Reduction Method for AC Copper Loss in Electric Vehicle Traction Motor
Study on a Regression Model for the Electromagnetic Characteristics of SPMSM Based on Convolutional Neural Network with Attention Mechanism
Analysis of Magnetization Characteristic Based B-H Curve Fitting According to the Operation Conditions for Traction Motor
Solution to Mitigate the Disadvantages in the Design of LLC Resonant Converters for Electric Vehicle Fast Chargers with High Output Power and Wide Output Voltage Range
A Study on the Generation Characteristics of Decomposition Gases for Insulating Oil of Transformer Bushing
Stability Analysis on Iterative PID Control Design Algorithm for Maximizing Proportional Gain
Development of a Deep Learning-Based System for Cat Skin Disease Classification and Grad-CAM Visualization
FDS Fire Modeling and Grid Sensitivity Analysis for Electrical Cable Fires in Open Conditions
Control System Design for Maglev Conveyor Systems with Time-Delay Via Reinforcement Learning